
How to Draw a Tree

Learn how to draw a tree with this easy step by step tutorial. If you make branches that split off in many directions and gradually thin out, your tree is bound to look pretty life like.  Read more

how to draw a tree


How to draw a dragon



Make a little tiger with colored tissue paper balls

We need
 -Papers : white, brown, black, yellow,  red,  blue and orange.

-Transparent glue

Step 1
-Download the PDF to get the template.
-Cut all the silk papers into squares of about 5 x 5 cm that you will turn into small balls.

-Separate the balls according to their color.

Step 2

Glue them to the white sheet, making sure they touch each other.

Step 3

To make the eyes, use the blue tissue paper.

Cut a rectangle 1.5 cm wide between 15 and 20 cm long.

Roll it up to form a string and put it around the eye contour and glue this blue string.

Step 4

Now cut a 1.5 cm wide ribbon of black tissue paper.

Roll it up several times to get a string.

Paste it so that it marks the contour of the tiger, except in the flowers.

Step 5

To give an effect of relief to the orange parts, gently press the balls with a scissors until making a cross. Do it more intensely in the ears.

Do not forget to put a tongue using a small red ball.

And we already have our little tiger ready to do a lot of tricks!

Back to school. We remember the holidays...

Vuelta al cole. Recordamos las vacaciones

We have to paint our faces and then paint on the glasses what we liked most about what we have done during the holidays

Tenemos que pintar nuestras caras y después pintar en las gafas aquello que más nos ha gustado de lo que  hemos hecho durante las vacaciones 


Colors: Primary, secondary and tertiary.

By Bea

 Mixing the basic colors of the paint - red, yellow, blue, white and black - allows you to achieve any desired hue.

Los colores: Primarios, secundarios y terciarios.

    Mezclar los colores básicos de la pintura -rojo, amarillo, azul, blanco y negro- permite conseguir cualquier tonalidad que se desee.

    The first thing we should know is that everything comes from 3 basic colors that are the primary colors.
    What happens when you combine colored paints? See what happens when you mix blue, red and yellow paints.

    Lo primero que debemos saber es que todo proviene de 3 colores básicos que son los colores primarios.

    ¿Qué pasa cuando combinas pinturas de colores? Fíjate qué pasa cuando mezclas pinturas de color azul, rojo y amarillo.

    Primary colors

    They are those colors that cannot be obtained by mixing any other so they are considered absolute, unique. There are three colors that meet this characteristic: yellow, red and blue.

    Colores primarios
    Son aquellos colores que no pueden obtenerse mediante la mezcla de ningún otro por lo que se consideran absolutos, únicos. Tres son los colores que cumplen con esta característica:amarillo, el rojo y el azul.

    Secondary colours

    The secondary colors are those obtained from the mixture of two primary colors, being orange, green and violet.

    Colores secundarios

    Los colores secundarios son los que se obtienen de la mezcla de dos colores primarios, siendo el naranja, verde y violeta.


    What are tertiary colors?

    These colors are the result of combining a primary and a secondary one.

    ¿Qué son los colores terciarios?

    Estos colores son el resultado de combinar uno primario y uno secundario.

    Let's watch a video. Then we will do a very fun activity that you will surely like

    Veamos un video. Después realizaremos una actividad muy divertida que a buen seguro os va a gustar

    let's paint a hand on a spiral with warm and cold colors

    We have to paint the hand with cold colors and the spiral  with warm colors.

    First we paint the spiral 

    Then we draw our hand and color it with cold colors


Self portrait. 
It's a picture you make of yourself.



Funny pictures

Gustav Klimt


Leonardo Da Vinci



Still life

A still life is an image of inanimate objects, such as fruits, food, flowers, plates, books or musical instruments, usually grouped together on a flat surface.

In this type of works, the artists strives to get the most of colors by using shadow and light techniques:

- For creating shadows we used our pencil.
- For creating lights we used our rubber.


  • How to paint like Matisse. "Icarus"



What is a mosaic and what is it used for?
The mosaic is one of the oldest known artistic representations and a great source of knowledge of the ancient world , its art and its traditions, we retain some of these examples prior to the classical era, since examples have been found Mosaic one millennium before the moment of Greek splendor.

¿Que es un mosaico y para que se utiliza?

El mosaico es una de las representaciones artísticas más antiguas que se conocen y para nosotros una gran fuente de conocimiento del mundo antiguo, su arte y sus tradiciones, ya que conservamos algunos de estos ejemplos anteriores a la época clásica, ya que se han encontrado ejemplos de mosaico un milenio antes del momento de esplendor griego.


You need a shoe box .
You need it to make a frame for your graffiti.
You can decorate it with yarn, cork stoppers, paper rolls, or any other material you have at home.



A page of Fernando Ortiz de Lejarazu with interactive optical illusions and an application to practice the effect of kinetic movement that will be very useful for this work.

 (una página de Fernando Ortiz de Lejarazu con ilusiones opticas interactivas y una aplicación para practicar el efecto de movimiento cinético que os sera de mucha utilidad para este trabajo)

Let's draw like Eusebio Sempere. Let's draw a picture called Highlights. It really is a sculpture, But he made a sketch and that's what we're going to do:

You need a piece of paper and a ruler

 First let's make an edge

Then divide the sheet into four parts 

And in each part make divisions of 1/2 centimeter .In each square, do it in different directions.
